How to prevent mold from forming on hotel furniture?

  NEWS     |      2024-07-27 19:31

Mold belongs to fungi, and its distribution can be found on walls, clothes, and in the air. Although a small amount of mold is not harmful, the use of rattan in hotel furniture can lead to mold stains when the rattan becomes soft and deformed in humid weather.

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For example, during the rainy season and hot and humid summers, the growth and reproduction of mold is rapid. When hotel furniture breeds bacteria, it poses a certain danger to human health. So how can hotel furniture prevent mold growth? By utilizing the characteristics of mold - its aversion to light, oxygen, cold, and dry conditions.

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Keeping windows open regularly to maintain air circulation and reduce the quantity of mold. Opening windows also helps to dry out the furniture, preventing growth. Data shows that mold is more likely to grow and reproduce when the temperature is around 25℃ and the air humidity is at 70%. The environment characteristics are warmth, moisture, and darkness.

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Creating a dry environment allows the moisture on the surface of objects prone to mold to evaporate, lowering indoor humidity. This lack of moisture will greatly reduce mold growth. A specific method is to place drying agents in the room or closet.

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3、Sun exposure

Hotel furniture should not be exposed to direct sunlight.

4、Soft cloth

Exposure to a dry environment for a long time can cause hotel furniture to crack, which can be prevented by wiping with a damp soft cloth. However, the furniture should not be too damp to avoid water damage. Wiping the furniture with a damp cloth containing a mild salt solution and a gentle cleaner, and then using a dry cloth, can effectively kill bacteria and prevent pests.