The Steps in the Renovation Process of Five-Star Hotel Furniture

  NEWS     |      2024-08-07 19:23

Understanding the need for change is actually twofold. It requires planning, and almost everyone waits until the autumn and winter seasons to renovate. However, some people only become serious about it in September. By that time, production schedules may have already been consolidated or established, making it difficult for newcomers to obtain what they need when required. Let’s take a look at the renovation process for five-star hotel furniture.

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If five-star hotel furniture has been used for a period of time, its surface may become old or even damaged. To save costs, it is possible to refurbish old five-star hotel furniture.

Disassembly in Order:

Observe the structure and carefully dismantle it to maintain the integrity of the entire five-star hotel furniture. First, it is necessary to carefully observe the composition of the five-star hotel furniture and number the components for easier reassembly. Disassemble the furniture in the reverse order of its original assembly. Maintain the integrity of the five-star hotel furniture, avoid damaging the paint film, and minimize any new damage while avoiding the use of planing machines whenever possible.

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Use a high-powered blower to blow away dust and accumulated dirt. Do not use a damp cloth for wiping. Blindly wiping down the surfaces of clearly visible components with a wet cloth could lead to unintentional damage. Sometimes, attachments such as cement slurry, asphalt, chemical coatings, and other modern debris may stick to components. Chemical agents should be avoided for their removal. Physical methods such as fine scrapers and polishing should be used instead.

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Typically, fine sandpaper is used for light polishing, while a knife is used for scraping harder parts. After removing the paint, the original carved portions should remain undamaged. For example, prolonged natural weathering may lead to wear and result in permanent damage that cannot be repaired.

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Based on processing requirements and the load-bearing capacity of each component of the old five-star hotel furniture, the modified composition must not have cracks, scars, or rot.

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Assembly should use special rubber powder according to the original structure. Mortise and tenon joints should be tight, and the frame’s diagonals should be symmetrical. The entire old five-star hotel furniture should not contain powder or glue, and the legs should be flat.